All General After-sales service Transport - Logistics Invoicing - Accounting

I have not received my order, when will I receive it?

We have orders that leave our facilities and others that leave the manufacturer's facilities. To find out the status of your order, please contact us by email: If you have a problem in the future with the material you have received, please register your case on our website.

I would like to place an order, but first I would like to clarify some doubts, how do I proceed?

To clarify your doubts you should contact by: Email: Whatsapp enabled: 654392990 Phone number: 918412000

I bought a piece of equipment and it has stopped working, how do I handle the warranty?

Your equipment must be checked by the Manufacturer's Authorised Service Centre to determine the problem, confirm that it is factory fault and proceed under warranty. You must create a case on our website to indicate the next steps to follow.

How can I open an after-sales case?

1. To create a case you must log on to our website:
2. On the top right hand side, click on the button: My Account - Incidents.
3. There you must enter the email address you registered at the time of purchase and the last 6 numbers of your order. You do not need to be registered to create an incident.
4. Select the defective product and check the quantity of the products with an issue.
5. Press create incident and then select the option by which you want to manage your request. When you create a case we will manage it as soon as possible.

My robot bought a month ago is no longer working, how do I return it?

You cannot return it, because it is outside the legal deadline to do so (14 calendar days). Your equipment must be checked by the Technical Service Authorised by the Manufacturer to determine the incidence. You must create a case on our website to indicate the next steps to follow.

I made a mistake with my purchase, can I return it?

Yes, as long as the product has not been used, unsealed or installed and is kept in its original box. You must create a case on our website, to send you the return procedure. The procedure must be within 14 calendar days as stipulated by law.

I have received my order, the box is damaged and the product is damaged, how do I proceed?

When a product is received with broken or damaged packaging, the carrier must be notified immediately. Simply sign as "non-conforming" on the carrier's PDA. Subsequently, you must create a case on our website for a transport incident within 24 to 48 hours. We remind you that to create a case: At the top right, click on the button "My Account" - "Incidents". There you must enter the email address you registered at the time of purchase and the last 6 numbers of your order. You do not need to be registered to create a complaint. Select the defective product and check the number of products with an issue. Click on create a case and then select the option by which you want to manage your request. When you create a case we will handle it as soon as possible.

I need an invoice for my purchase, can you send it to me?

You should request the invoice for your purchase by email: indicating your order number and the email address with which you registered your order. Due to Data Protection Law, we as a department cannot request it.