How to choose a Salt Chlorinator or Salt Equipment?
Buying Guide

How to choose a Salt Chlorinator or Salt Equipment?

Quick guide to understanding and selecting a salt or salt chlorinator for your pool
Important note: Your pool will still be chlorinated but the type of chlorine will be naturally produced. The pool will not taste like "sea water" as the salt content of the pool will be 4g/litre whereas the sea has a concentration of 35g/l.

This type of system is intended for people with chemical allergies, sensitivities, skin problems (such as psoriasis) and other dermatological sensitivities that cause skin irritation

  1. How do we choose the size of the chlorinator?

It will always depend on the volume of pool water you have.

Normally chlorinators are identified by the grams of chlorine they produce per hour, for example, a Sugar Valley Hidrolife chlorinator producing 16g/h means that the unit will be producing 16g of chlorine per hour, ideal for a water volume of around 60-65 m3.

If you want, you can take a look at our shop and buy the Sugar Valley Hidrolife chlorinator

The chlorinators have a fundamental spare part that is changed from time to time, these are called "cells". The cells are metal plates which are used to produce the electrolysis. The lifetime of these cells is between 12,000 and 14,000 hours of use.

PIscinayspa tip: It is always advisable to oversize the capacity of the chlorinator, because the sooner the salt chlorination is carried out, the less hours it is in operation and therefore it is a long-term saving.

Fewer hours of use = Longer cell life = Greater savings.

  1. Which accessories to choose along with the salt chlorinator
Currently you can choose to buy a salt chlorinator on its own or with accessories such as: ph pump, redox/ORP control and wifi but are they worth it? It all depends on your needs.

  1. pH dosing pump (100% recommended)
A salt chlorinator will tend to increase the pH of thepool so it is always advisable to buy it together with a pH pump. This pH pump will take real time readings of the pool and adjust the pH automatically. As the pH will always be slightly higher than normal, it will automatically regulate it downwards. The ph pump will normally be connected to a bottle of liquid ph reducer and inject as required.

There are 2 types of dosing machines. This is something that not many people know about and Piscinayspa would like to emphasise it.

  • Within the basic range of chlorinators (Sel Clear by Astralpool, NeoLife by Sugar Valley, Tecno 2 by Idegis...) the dosing pumps are independent of the chlorinator. This means that the dosing pump will read the pH of the pool and dose according to its own criteria. It normally uses a continuous algorithm so that it calculates how long it will have to inject ph to adjust the pool to its ideal levels.

  • In the medium-high range (the most recommended) the dosing machine does not take any readings but the chlorinator itself takes them and orders the dosing machine to inject or cut off the dosing in real time.

A trick to distinguish between one type of dosing pump and another is the buttons: the independent dosing pump has buttons (logically, to be able to adjust the parameters) while the other does not

This is an independent dosing pump. It has buttons to be able to configure the device.

This dosing pump does not have buttons, therefore, it is a pump designed to be integrated in an advanced salt water chlorinator where the chlorinator itself gives the order to inject or stop.

  1. ORP/Redox module (highly recommended but not compulsory)
This is another key accessory that you should consider fitting to your salt chlorinator.
As explained above, the chlorinator produces chlorine at a constant rate, e.g. 16 grams per hour. This means that, while it is working, the chlorinator will constantly produce those 16 grams of chlorine per hour.
However, it is possible to have a device that allows you to adjust the production of chlorine, either because you use the pool indoors or because the pool is heated (so the chlorine tends to evaporate more easily)
Another very frequent use of chlorine control in Spas and Jacuzzis, as people entering and leaving the pool reduces the concentration of chlorine very quickly.

With this device, you avoid having to regulate the chlorine as it will always be at optimum levels.

You can find it in this link: Kit Redox Cristal by Sugar Valley
  1. Flow detector (Optional)
The flow detector is a device that allows you to detect faults in the water flow. Its operation is related to safety as it allows to cut the operation of the salt electrolysis when it detects that there is not enough water flow.
  1. Wifi module (Optional)
Another interesting module is the Wifi module where you can have access to the readings taken by the salt chlorinator and even make remote adjustments. Highly recommended for all those people who have the chlorinator in a shed and do not want to go there to read the parameters.