- Climbing set with arch-shaped structure, made of 11.4cm tube diameter hot galvanized steel tube.
- Inside the arch there is a trepa net in the form of grids, made with anti-vandálica strings arranged diagonally.
- The game also features 4 climbing panels (2 on each side of the climbing net) made of HDPE and equipped with rock climbing parts, as well as HDPE steps to support the feet in the remaining net.
- The game offers total stability and prevents any possible finger entrapment to ensure safety for users.
- Children can climb simultaneously on both sides of the game.
- For added challenge, they can even try to climb sideways around the arc from one side to the other.
- Thanks to the size of the grids there is also the possibility to wind through the network.
* Structure: Hot galvanized steel
* Ropes: Armed with steel soul and polypropylene multifilaments
* Steps & Panels: HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) 19mm.