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Advantages of salt chlorinators: - No eye or dermatological irritation - Eliminates the smell and taste of chlorine - Easy to adapt to any shed or technical premises - No dangerous chemicals to store or handle. - It is more environmentally friendly, it is a closed cycle, the salt turns back into salt after disinfecting.
Technical characteristics: - High performance electrochlorinators for commercial or intensive operation and medium capacity (community pools and hotels). - High-performance watertight power sources, without the need for forced ventilation. - Electronics in insulated stainless steel cabinet, without external air ventilation, highly resistant to corrosive atmospheres. Electronic current control. - Fully programmable electronics with accessible operating log. - Easy-to-navigate user interface with backlit LCD display. - Methacrylate electrode cassette for easy inspection. - Easily accessible and low maintenance self-cleaning cell. - Estimated electrode life: 20,000 hours. - Includes software and electronics for optional pH control.