CTX Water Link Lab
Water Link Lab is the new and revolutionary CTX water Analysis laboratory that will allow you to perform the tests in just 60 seconds. With this innovative professional photometer you can analyze up to 9 parameters with the same sample and in a single reading.
By inserting the water sample into the reagent disc, the Water Link reader will automatically pass all the information to the most advanced.
DataMateSoftware, discover the endless possibilities that this program offers:
Detailed analytical reading.
Recommended treatment according to the analytical.
Recommended dosage.
Personalization of information.
Enter your logo and company information and each analytics and recipe you deliver to your customer will be identified with your data.
In addition to the breakthrough that the Water Link lab represents in itself, you can enjoy the advantages of having DataMate, a computer program with which to manage all the analysis and product recommendations made; A personalized and exclusive treatment for the users and owners of swimming pools and Spas.
Remember each customer, review the history of analysis and recommendations, Descáguese the database.
A customer--a token--an exceptional deal.