The Spa area is equipped with a sun lounger and two seats. Three positions with a complete hydromassage circuit that allows you to relax after a fitness or swimming session. Equipped with 37 jets, it offers a powerful massage and, thanks to its ergonomic shapes the body adapts perfectly to the position, allowing the hydrotherapy session to become a relaxing and ideal time to share.
AstralPool, The European Manufacturer of Swimspas.
Swimspa Dual features a spacious swimming and fitness area. It is equipped with 5 powerful jets that generate a countercurrent. The flow rate generated by the jets can be adjusted through the Swimspa controls, allowing you to choose the right intensity to perform the swimming session. It is also an ideal area for Aquagym sessions or any other type of water-related sports activity.
This area has a fully equipped relaxation lounger and a vertical massage area, which allows the user to perform a leg and back massage without sitting.
The Swimspa Dual comes with the Sport Kit accessory: a practical bar with a harness that allows you to hold on to the Spa and swim without activating the jets countercurrent.
The Swimspa Dual is the ideal model to integrate into your garden or your interior room of the house. A simple and compact way to have a Swimspa in your home."